Monday, November 17, 2008


And some bitching and moaning and whining too.

Just some things I gotta get off my chest...

To whomever has my change box, which I either left in the shopping cart due to my stoopidity, or left in my car all night due to also my stoopidity:

I hope you used my money for, maybe you were a single mom whod scraped her own change together to go buy milk or food for her kids, and hey, whats this in my shopping cart? A purple plastic box with lots of change? About $25 worth? OH THANK YOU!! Now I can buy milk and eggs and bread and maybe some fruit too, my baby loves bananas and apples.

Yeah, thats the vision Im gonna keep...not that some fucking punk was out at 3 am breaking into cars and found my change box and then went and bought booze/crack/pot with it.

And when is my damn brain gonna start working??

And when am I gonna realize that doing yoga half ass one day a week just aint helping?

And that maybe I wouldnt yell and get all ghetto on the big ass truck that pulled up on my bumper while I was on my way to my evening pet sitting apointment if I did more yoga and actually took the time to breathe and relax. (getting all ghetto means in this instance yelling "Does that make you feel all big and shit muthfucka??" to a redneck asshole in his HUGE ass Ford 450- complete with head bobbing, weaving whatever...and dont forget the hand and arm gestures. Im sure he loved that)

OK..roomie...I know Im supposed to be this caring compassionate wunnerful person *cough cough* have sucked my last bit of compassion.Yes, you have spinal stenosis...yes, its terrifying Id imagine to think that you might get rearended and snap your spine. If it was me..Id prolly be wrapping myself in bubble wrap and lying in bed. But goddamit..get your bitches to come over and pick up your papers and help with your shoes and moving crap and shit. Tonight...I was upset.. because once was me going to the store..once again I was spending my money on groceries. Yes, I realize I get that back ,either by having my part of the bills reduced by that amount (which I still cant wrap my head around being fair somehow I always feel screwed without lube) Im just tired of you very rarely (cause he does buy them...occasionally) buying groceries.

Oh, and goddammit, once again..I have to wait to cash my cleaning checks. YES, you are right, Mr Financial Wizard..if I cashed it, Id have it spent by now. On that ticket...on some spaceheaters...on some more more fruit and tuna and shit I couldnt buy yesterday. Is it too DAMN much to ask for you to learn how to run a damn company so you can pay your employees..oh, excuse ,me.independent contractors. If I wasnt your friend and have quit a long time ago. What fucking right do you have to hold my checks because you dont want me to spend my money. Who gave you that power...oh wait..*I* did!! GODDAMMMIT!(said in my best Cartman voice)

*sighs* I know much of this is irrational and judgemental and probably has a bit of jealousy thrown in for kicks...but dammit...this isnt working for me..and I dont know how to get out of it. I am not happy living with him...but Im not sure Id be happy alone either.

Somethings gotta give..and I dont want it to be me.

Maybe a little...but Im not giving all the way.

OK..Im tired..and cold..feeling a bit better getting that out...thanks.


malevolent andrea said...

Nothing wrong with ranting when it's justified. Or even when it's not, actually :-)

Sorry about your change getting stolen or misappropriated :-(

Uncle said...

Personally, I hope whoever got the change buys something sweet and disgusting...chokes on it and dies a slow, horrible death clutching for air.

I think I should start a Rent-a-Rant service, because I can most always increase the angst value of a commonplace rant into something truly mind-boggling.

Just lil innocent me ;)

crispix67 said...

Well..Im leaning more towards the punk unfortunately. I ditinctly recall driving home from the store and checking under the groceries and seeing the change box there. And thinking when it got dark I needed to go get it...but by then Id changed into my jammies and put my slippers on and was in for the night (it was cold-ok, cold for )and well, just didnt listen to my gut. So...I will add this to the "expensive stoopidity" column and move on. Im already refilling my wine bottle/change jar so soon I'll have another $25 to NOT leave somewhere.

How much for a really really angst filled rant about the roomie?? LOL And do you charge by the word, or the level of angst? Or both?

Uncle said...

Sorry for the delay...Beast season, y'know. But I should really work out a price structure. I could probably come up with some all purpose muthas that one could aim in the direction of ANYONE living under the same long as they're hoomanz.