Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hope Wins

Stayed up till 12:30 am to witness history.


I watched CNN and Fox (why?lol) and Comedy Central (my fave of all the election coverage!) from about 5:30 till 12:30, with an hour break in there to update my facebook status and check email. LOL

My voting experience? I came prepared to wait for hours, brought a magazine and food... and spent a grand total of 15 minutes from when I pulled into the parking lot to when I got back in my car.

I was caught up in the history being made yesterday. Wow..a black man was running. Wow..I was a woman voting for a black man. Wow, in 12 hours we could have our first black president...ever. I found this on Comedy Central's website yesterday...really made me think:


Zero: The number of times in our nation's 232 year history, as of the time of writing, that the country -- despite being originally populated by dark-skinned Eurasian migrants, having a multi-continental populace going back longer than the country itself, currently boasting a citizenry with genetic ties to every conceivable place in the world, and a roughly equal (though leaning female) gender breakdown -- has seen fit to elect a non-white, non-male person as either its president or vice president.

Today is the last day in our nation's history that we'll ever have to admit that again.

Hope *has* won.

I only hope the darkness doesnt destroy it.


Uncle said...

Oh fess up! You only watched Fox for the squirming! :D

Thought for the day on my patch. Can you be white and *really* understand what this victory has meant?

crispix67 said...

Yeah, its true. That was why I flipped over to Fox..for just a few minutes. ;)