Sunday, November 9, 2008

Major fuckup

I missed 2 pet sitting appointments today.

Same dogs. One morning and one midday.

They and their owners are some of the sweetest beings on this earth.

I did their appointments yesterday, no problem.

I somehow got it in my head that today I had no appointments on one website. I did my appointments on the otehr website.

I did not realize all this till 8:15 tonight.

Those poor sweet dogs.

Those poor sweet owners- one of my favorite customers...that I let down. BIG TIME.

I called my boss. Shes not happy.

Didnt say she was going to fire me...but I dont see how she cant.

Roomie says to keep this in not get carried away in the negativity.

Well..when one knows taht theyve fucked up does one keep smiling and positive??

You tell me...cause all I can think of is those poor little dogs being left in those crates all day.

Yeah, I guess its a positive that I called the boss and owned up to what I did.

I dont know how I missed the appointment. I have been distracted lately, mind has been wandering...Ive been missing little things..and some important things...Ive hit my head a couple times cuts or unconsciousness..and only once did it daze me for a second or, yeah, the anxiety that Ive given myself brain damage has started. As well as the Im depressed again so need to go back on the St Johns or get myself back to therapy..or both.

So...whats your biggest fuck up..and did life go on? Well, I gues sit did, or you wouldnt be here reading my wonderfully uplifting blog.

Going to bed...though I doubt I will sleep.

Bring on the shit..Ive got the fan all plugged in and ready to go.


malevolent andrea said...

I don't know if it's any consolation for me to say this, but everyone--EVERYONE--has at one time or another totally spaced on someplace they were supposed to be or something they were supposed to do, important places and things. All you can do is apologize, make amends if possible, and move on. Forgive yourself.

You didn't do something wrong out of meanness or selfishness or anger or spite. You made a mistake. That doesn't make you a bad person; it makes you a person.

Hope things are brighter in the morning.


Uncle said...

I have not got enough extremities to count the number of times I've made mistakes like that...and still it continues. Your mistakes at least didn't involve little details like crashing airplanes...:(...and yet here I am, making more of them.
It is to be human, and therefore fallible. Hoping things are finer.
