Sunday, October 26, 2008

My birthday adventure

After a morning/early afternoon of work, it was time to enjoy my day.

I drove home after my cleaning job and a trip by the Fox Theater to orient myself to wher I needed to go after getting off MARTA (Took MARTA to avoid traffic and or ridiculous parking lot prices- lowest was $15, highest was $30...geezzz)found the station was only 2 blocks from the theater-whoo-hoo! Got home, hopped in the bath to start the "making myself bootiful" process. Nice relaxing bath...yummm...out, put on makeup,painted nails (toes too) got dressed...omg...I look wonderful. I wore the purple "OMG, I cant believe this is only $9.99" dress, its a halter dress, light purple and dark purple fabric, light...chiffon I think its called, its light and breezy and beautiful. Black hose, black dress shoes that I got at Goodwill for under $5. I think my makeup cost more than my

Went to pick up roomie and bring him home from office as he didnt wnat to drive his nice clean...oh, dont get me

He took pics of me (I will get them developed and posted here soon, I pwomise!) and then it was off to the MARTA station. The train took a long time to get there..and this lil Mexican guy was squicking me out...asking all sorts of personal questions..and not understanding why a beautiful woman like me wouldnt want to have children. And did not want to accept my "I just dont, okay?" answer. Yes, Christine needs to stop giving away so much info to strange men. The train took a long time. he gets in one car.,..I get in another, thank God I lost him. Geezz.

Off we go..uneventful trip. I get to the stop I need...find the sign that says "Fox Theater this way" walk up the hill after crossing the street thinking I needed to go that way..get to the top of the hill and Peachtree, look left...nope, that doesnt look familiar...turn right, yep, theres the box office. Yay! So I go to the box office window, and get the details about the lottery. Background, I did not have a ticket yet, so no guarantee I was gonna even get to see Wicked. It was my birthday and Id been sacrificing to the birthday Gods all day to make my wish come true. They do a lottery 2 hours before every show, you put your name in, they draw out 10 names and you get tickets for $25 cash. I had decided if they didnt draw my name, Id still go out to eat or something, shame to get all this dressed up and not do anything.

So, the time comes to line up for the lottery...I meet a lady standing in line whos in town for business and decided to come take her chances too, even after the hotel desk clerk told her "You know its a lottery, you might not win" So, we each wanted to buy 1 ticket- you could buy 2, so we decide to share our chances, if they call her, I could buy her other ticket and vice versa. So, names in..crossed fingers and all but the legs...5 names are drawn, not mine..Im getting nervous..."Christine Peek" gets called. OMG, thats ME!!! Or its a common mispronouncement of my walk up and show my ID and say "Thank you, its my birthday , thank you for making my wish come true" or something similarly bubbly and I stand aside and wait with the lady to see if they draw her name too. Her name is the next one called. LOL We are both in shock...she tells them to draw another name as we are sharing my tickets. And we walk to the box office to get the tickets. I text my friends....OMG...I still cant believe it!

We decide to get some food at Gladys Knights down the street...we walk there, its maybe 3 blocks from the theater. Yikes, 45 minute wait...nope, not enough time.We walk back in the direction of this little gourmet wrap and sub place...on the way a guy hands us a 10% off coupon for the Broadway diner which is next door to the sub place, but somehow we missed it.... Its a great place, has greek food, Italian, and OMG, the desserts looked fantastic! Beautifully decorated cakes, cookies, etc. The place has all this Broadway memoriabilia on the walls, and mirrors and bright lights...its great. Will definitely be going back. Food was great, I had a Caprese panini- grilled chicken, mozzarella, tomato and basil on panini bread. Yummm. We shared a greek salad. It was all great, we had a great time, good food, good conversation. Perfect so far. :)

So back to the theater we went...damn, wanted a program, but Im not gonna spend $20 for one, sorry. Inside, we find our seats...the usher said go to your right and its all the way down. we walk..down and down and have 3rd row seats!!for $25!!! OMG..more texts to my

Looking around the theater...oh is spectacular. The pic above is of the ceiling and balcony. The ceiling looks like a night sky, complete with clouds which move across it throughout the show.Amazing.

The show first live theater off Broadway Broadway show. I am hooked. Wicked is the story of the Wicked Witch before Dorothy came along. How she got to be so Wicked, basically. And, it is the second time...that I have been made to feel that this dark character is just misunderstood and cant help but be the way they are. The first one was Star Wars Revenge of the Sith when I found myself feeling sorry for Darth Vader. Perhaps I am going to teh Dark Side afterall. lol.

Act 1 ends with an amazing song..."Defying Gravity" Elphaba (the Wicked Witch of teh West) has just discovered that the Wizard has no power...and has discovered taht she has some amazing strengths. It is a very appropriate song for me, with all Ive been working on the past 2 years. Discovering my own power..and realizing that who I thought held all the power is really just a scared little person. I cried, as the lyrics are very touching, and it is a very breathtaking performance.

Intermission...we switched seats, because, well even though they were 3rd row, they werte on the right side, and part of the stage blocked our view...she said she could see a little bit more than me she thought so offered to switch.

The second act was amzing fave song there was "As Long as Your Mine" sung by Elphaba and Fiyero, the love interest of the play. I hope to sing that song someday with my own lover. :)

Love her line after the song ends...when theyre making out....she says she feels something...for the first time in her life...she feels..."WICKED" said with an evil sexy tint as she knocks him over kissing him...loved it! :)

It was a wonderful play...if you havent seen it, I encourage you to go. You wont be disappointed. :)

After the show we waited a bit for the crowd to thin out, we had talked of going back to the diner for coffee and cake, but shed been up since 4 am and was tired, so we parted ways with a hug. The usher told me the easiest way to get back to the MARTA station was to go out this side exit and up one block and cross the street and I was there. So I did..and walked by a group gathered...I thought waiting for taxis...but someone said "They will come out that side door and sign autographs" meet the cast and get autographs woul just complete the night! So, I waited, in the wind and cold..with otehrs..and got the main characters autographs...and..I told Carmen who played Elphaba that "Defying Gravity" made me cry and thanked her for making my birthday a great night. We hugged and she wished me a Happy b-day and seemed touched...:) now..the part I was dreading..the ride home on MARTA at night.I have only ridden Marta a few times..once at night.I was scared shitless...but kept reminding myself of the safety things Id heard..stay near the doors and or emergency phone...hold onto your purse...stay alert.Luckily there were many people from the play riding so I felt safe in the crowd.I even spoke to some young men whod gotten on the wrong train (they had wanted the Southbound train and got on the north)Soon I was at my stop..and walked fast and alert to my car, which Id parked nearest the entrance and under a light. Home..hungry, still "Defying Gravity" smiling and feeling great after a wonderful eveing.

Im a pretty good date, if I do say so myself. :)

1 comment:

malevolent andrea said...

Happy belated birthday! Glad you had so much fun.