Friday, October 17, 2008

Still kickin' ass...21 years later

Wow...I found a Rolling Stone mag from last year in one of my petsitting clients rooms (I went in there to turn off their alarm because the dogs were freaking out about it was actually from last year..and Guns and Roses was on the cover. The original Guns and Roses. Axl, Duff, Slash, Izzy, Steven. 5 guys who wrote and recorded one of the greatest albums ever made.

Appetite For Destruction

I read the article..and tried to recall where I first heard the boyz. I decided it was prolly on a radio show that I spent every Monday night listening to from 1985 to 1990 or so...Metalshop. I think Mr Brownstone was the first song I heard...and I was hooked. I had no idea what it was about...didnt care. It rocked.

I was working at the nursing home the year it came out. My first first taste of independence. I was driving the Ford Granada that Id gotten handed down from my brother. It had a cassette player. Wore out many a tape in that deck. 1987 was an awesome year for metal. Motley Crue Girls Girls Girls came out...Def Leppards Hysteria...omg..all these memories.

I remember I got Circus magazine every month (my dad hated me buying it, but it was MY money so he couldnt say anything...though he still did) It had articles about GNR and Ratt and Motley Crue...interviews, stories about their wild lives. *sighs*

and theres lil ol me who wanted to marry one of them..I could never decide who many to choose from..Axl, Duff, Stephen Pearcy, Juan Croucier, Robbin Crosby, Bret Michaels, Bobby Dall...Nikki Sixx or Tommy Lee...decisions I was gonna marry a rock star...move to LA ..and become a social worker and save the world.

My fave track...depends on my used to buy this cheap wine...loved friend Patty puked for the first time when drunk after she drank this. Maybe Ill pick up a bottle this like cough syrup,but after the first didnt care!!! Good fun song. Think About You...kinda a lonely longing song...but also good memories. :)

Anything course..I like this. loved it back then I guess the kinky sprinkles were there even then.( and I was still a virgin!!) "Panties round your knees with your ass in da breeze,doin' that grind with the push and squeeze.Tied up tied down up against the wall, be my rubber mate baby and we can do it all." yep...sounds like a fun night to me :) I remember reading a story back in the day about Axl having sex upside down on a train in London.Many a hot fantasy came from that story...;)

Rocket Queen (it has live sex on it, of course I like it!)always loved this, no matter what my mood. Not so much the beginning though it is a kickass song...but the end where it gets all emotional and hopeful. " If you need a shoulder, or if you need a friend, Ill be here standin' until the bitter end"


Off to dream of sex upside down on a train...:)

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