Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Have things changed that much in 6 years??

I went to a concert Monday night for the 1st time in like 6 or 7 years. Now, granted it was a more intimate setting, a club of 2,000 as opposed to the Pyramid in Memphis,TN... but...I was amazed that people felt they had the right to...yell out song requests.

(still wish Jackson had played "Freebird" as many in the crowd kept yelling...he *did* say his band could play

At one point, Jackson in a very nice but effective way said..."How about you let me play the songs *I* want to?" to someone who kept yelling for something.

My favorite though was when he was telling us a story and a very drunk lady came up to the edge of the stage and started talking to him. He said "Excuse me, but Im having a conversation with the *whole* place, not just you, please sit down."

That's why we luv ya, do have a way with words.

Sorry you had a cold...maybe next time you can come to my house and I'll fix you some soup...chicken soup if youre not a vegetarian...or mushroom barley if you are. I guarantee you will feel better.

And maybe after the soup...some sex? I hear its really good for colds...;)

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