Saturday, October 4, 2008

Instant Karma

Had a conversation in my head awhile ago (I hope others have conversations in their head...its so much fun, Id hate to be the only one! LOL) about Karma and retribution.

The other night, after a long day...I had just sat down to eat when my cell rang, I looked at the number, it was the pet sitter Ive helped out many times who is sometimes a pain in the ass and makes me feel*I* let her make me feel guilty if I have to say no, I cant help you this time. Anyways...I had already helped her out that day, she called at 9:30 the night before to say "Her daughter was having surgery and she had thought it was only gonna be an hour or so surgery, but no, its gonna be a couple hours and could I please just do one visit for her?" As it was the easiest visit of all, letting a dog out in the yard and then giving him a treat and water and petting...and hes a sweetie..I said yes. It was also on my way to another visit I had, so not a problem.

So..she is on my phone...I let it go to voicemail because I didnt want to talk to her at that moment and I was trying to eat at 7:30 at night. I listened to her voicemail after a few minutes. She said in this pitiful voice that she had spent all day at the hospital and had taken her husband to the doctor too (she knew he had to go the night before when she called me) and she was "just sick" and wanted me to go do 2 visits for her that night (at 7:30) because she was just so sick. The visits were with dogs I had never done...I would have to drive to her house to get the keys...then to the houses...not get home till at least 10 prolly...I still had laundry to do..and our cable was out at home so needed to call about that...not to mention I was tired and just wanted to relax. So...after throwing a bit of a hissyfit (ok, a big one)...and deciding I wasnt going to call her back under any circumstances, she was gonna have to take care of this shit herself...Im tired of her poor planning and not taking care of herself and figuring out what she can do and what she cant..and always calling me when she gets overwhelmed.


Anyways, I didnt call her back..she called me after 15 minutes and said she would go ahead and do teh visits herself and that she might need my help in the morning because she was just so sick. I told myself, um, no..I have 2 houses to clean tomorrow plus a couple of my own visits that I have to juggle around because the people ahve asked for a specific time which doesnt jive with the cleaning NO...I CANT HELP YOU!

Then the guilt started...shes in her 70's...she has been treated for bladder cancer, has finished chemo and radiation...and had been doing good, getting back into the swing of working and such. She has a disabled husband who she takes care of too...would it REALLY kill me to help her out?? But then the bitch started...she (the lady) always calls me when shes gotten herself overwhelmed, Im supposed to bail her out because she doesnt know how to say no and ask for help and take care of herself because shes a damn codependent just like me...and why is any of this *MY* fucking problem?? Back and forth it went...till I was in tears, hating myself for not helping...but at the same time not wanting to because I was tired myself and know that I have trouble saying no too and end up getting sick too when I overextend myself.

So...back to the karma thing. This morning I got a call from the people whod booked a couple overnights next weekend, saying their plans had changed and they had to cancel. here it punishment for not helping and being selfish...then it hit me. Why is *my* karma instant..and serial killers and OJ Simpson and such have to wait years before "getting theirs"?? What makes *ME* so horrible that I am punished almost instantly for little infractions and bits of selfishness...and they do MUCH more horrible things and dont get anything done till they go to prison or even till they die?? to clean yet another house then go have some fun tonight :)


Uncle said...

Been in that space a couple of times...not with pets...and its much better after you say no.

Have fun and remember that shit happens.

Wisshi said...

I don't think you are being selfish. I think you are being realistic. You can only do what you can do. Could you have actually done what she was asking without totally crapping up you entire day??? Sometimes things just are. There is nothing to read into it, it just is...

~ How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~
Wayne Dyer