Thursday, January 8, 2009

Dream Interpretation anyone??

I had weird dreams last night...maybe it was all the yummy cherries I ate..I dunno...guess Ill find out if I have them again tonight because I ate about 20 cherries tonight too. LOL cant recall if these were the same dream..they did happen close to each other....I am with a bunch of my friends from St Louis...were being held in some place...and turned into "perfect women" kinda like Stepford Wives meets Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was what it was like. We all became hot blondes...and then we got things put on our heads and held down while they zapped our memories. I asked do they get rid of our childhood too? Then they grabbed me and zapped me..and when I became conscious I could remember my childhood but not much else. Then..I was with a bunch of men..we were making our way to this mountain stream...we walked into the middle of the water...there were some big rocks to stand on..and all around were different sized lizards and baby dinosaur looking things. The men started picking them up and playing music on them..yes, playing the lizards. LOLThey told me in order for me to play them I had to kill it first. It wouldnt work right. And if I didnt kill it and do what they said, Id be punished. I felt very afraid of the men...and also extremely horrified that I had to kill this creature. I picked up this little baby dinosaur...he looked like Littlefoot from Land Before Time...just as cute as could be..HUGE sad eyes.I started crying and said I dont want to do this but theyre making me do this...and I screamed as I broke his neck. He didnt die but screamed too. I tried again but kept messing it up. I broke down sobbing...he was crying too.

Then I heard this shells rubbing against each other..and felt something crawling on the underside of my arm. I lifted my arm and saw a tiny scorpion. I screamed and grabbed it off my shirt and threw it down. Then I heard it again and looked down and saw a BIG scorpion on my shirt on the right side. I screamed..and woke up screaming with my mouth closed.


Any ideas what this could mean? Besides I shouldnt eat cherries before bed?


malevolent andrea said...

I think the obvious question is, what do you have to do, or what are other people pressuring you to do, that you are dreading?

I give up on what baby dinosaurs represent, however :-) :-)

Wisshi said...

Well, I couldn't begin tell you what any thing means but I just found out tat the lady that wrote "Twilight" had it all come to her in a dream...

Sounds like it might make the beginning of a strange novel???

maybe the lizards are fear? you have to kill it to start making music? even tho your fear is a comfy cute "littlefoot" it needs decimated prior to the music.

you gotta do something you don't wanna do to get something you want???