Monday, December 15, 2008

Rantings of a sexually frustrated woman

I wanted/ needed/ expected a remake of Caligula.

What I got was a cross between a slightly boring play party and a high school dance with the boys on one side and the girls on the other...only the boys were now middle aged men who couldnt even bother to put on a friggin dress shirt (and some who didnt seem to comb their hair or shave too- hello- dont you people have a dress code?? Supposedly?? And to those men...please...if Im gonna get all sexed up in my hot red dress and silver sandals..the least you could do is put on a dress shirt. No, it neednt be black, as a matter of fact, itd be even better if it wasnt. A little extra effort, please!


I should have known better that buying condoms and looking all hot and feeling all hot and sexy...was no guarantee that sex would happen. Even if it was implied in the theme of the " Anything Goes" play party where penetration was allowed. In a private dungeon.

Perhaps I *should* have done the naked blindfolded "touch me" thing I was fantasizing about. Maybe that would have gotten things started.

But, I lacked 2 things to make it happen. Courage...and that sexual bodyguard to watch over things, to make sure everyone used a condom and that my limits were respected. I would have let them be known..yes, but just wanted someone to "have my back" so to speak, in case things got out of hand or I was somehow made unable to fight back.

The fact that I came there looking for sex...does that make me any different than the trolls that used to come to FLOG looking to get laid? I apologize if it does. I am not a troll. I am just a woman who has redicovered her sexual power...and who bought the hottest most sexy dress shes ever owned in her life...and who hoped to enjoy a night filled with sexual fantasies coming true...only to leave early because she was bored and not feeling very damn sexy after walking around for 2 hours..and the only man who spoke to her spit in her face while he was talking- not on purpose...but grossed me out!

*sighs* Maybe it just wasnt my time. I dont know.

I dont hold the hosts was a good party and a great idea. I hope to return next month...a little wiser..with perhaps a different view.


Uncle said...

I keep sayin' it: Dark Side...Dark Side...get what you demand.

malevolent andrea said...

I've been thinking for a whole day about how I wanted to respond to this. (I mean besides the obvious, that you'd have done better at the Home Depot ;-)) But I do think I actually have something serious to say.

Now, my experience in this kind of public venue is scant, and I do realize that things probably are different from venue to venue and area to area, but I have heard that even when penetration is permitted, you rarely see it happening and if it does, it's (99.9% of the time) between couples who came together. Um, I mean arrived together. :-)

So, not to rain on your parade, but the Caligula stuff is probably way more the exception than the rule, no matter what the party invite seems to imply and no matter how smokin' hot you look in your awesome new dress.

Secondly, the thing about it being just like a middle school dance? Believe it or not, I've heard the same about, say, "singles dances" for the over 40s. There seem to be a preponderance of middle-aged guys in these kind of social situations who either a.) are coming out of such longterm relationships they've forgotten everything about flirting/dating/wooing women they ever knew or b.) are socially retarded and never knew how to do the above in the first place. (See your own comment about not knowing enough to wear nice clothes or, y'know, groom themselves.) The single/newly single middle-aged guys who are good-looking, able to carry on an intelligent and charming conversation, have at least the appearence of being gainfully employed, and who can still get it up, are at such a premium that we 40-something chicks are throwing ourselves in their paths. They don't *have* to go trolling for teh sex in these kind of venues.

I'm sorry, I don't mean this to be discouraging. I mean to suggest that you might have better luck finding someone with the cojones to make a move on your sexy self in another venue. Like, you know, large home improvement stores ;-)

crispix67 said...

So..I should just put on the hot dress and go down the road to Home Depot (literally less than a mile from my home,lol)to look for LOL Or maybe I'll go hunting for bananas in the produce section at Kroger. :)

No, youre right, and the more I think about it...the less I am upset about it...its more comical now.


I just let my overactive libido and my overactive imagination get carried away...they havent played much together in a looooonnnggg have to readjust...and perhaps be re-introduced to reality. LOL

Not discouraging at all...I appreciate your comment, thank you. :)