Thursday, August 28, 2008

Letter to my aunt...(if you're religious- dont read this)

Dear Aunt Clara,

Thank you for your letter, it was good to see you also while I was in Missouri.

I appreciate the concern about my "personal relationship with God". Perhaps there is some need for that concern, as I have changed my views on religion in the past 10 years. Unlike you, I do not believe that Christians are the only people who will get into Heaven. And I especially dont believe as you apparently do, that one religion is better or more likely to get into heaven than another.I do believe, unlike you, that God or whoever...looks at how we have lived our lives, the good things we have done, how we treated others, etc. If we were basically a good person...we are fine. I do not believe that we have to be "fully immersed" in baptismal waters to be assured of going to Heaven. Where in the Bible does it say that? And where does it say that Methodists "arent scripturally based" so they arent worthy of Heaven? Do you really believe that God or St Peter or standing at the Pearly Gates with a list, saying "Oh, youre a Baptist? Well,C'MON in!" and "Oh, youre a Methodist? Hmmm,sorry, but you are not allowed into Heaven...going down..."

It also says in the Bible that dogs cant go to heaven.( I know- I should get over so, that would mean you wont be able to see your precious Sarah or Happy.

And, Im sorry (not really) but I cannot accept a God who doesnt let such wonderful creatures into his kingdom.

You have a daughter who is gay. Is she going to Heaven? Oh, the fact that she was raised a Baptist guarantees it??Ok. But Im a bicurious heathen Methodist so Im going to hell??

I respect your views on religion. I am glad that your God gives you blessings and comfort.

Please respect my views...which arent very tangible at the moment, as Im in a questioning everything time in my life.

And do NOT send me anymore religious propaganda if you wish to ever hear from me again.



1 comment:

Uncle said...

Just heard this over the weekend and finally am sending it an appropriate moment, too:

"Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in."
- Mark Twain