Sunday, August 10, 2008

From Post Secret

So how does one do that...when you take yourself out..and all you think is "I wish someone else were here to share this experience with me." It doesnt even have to be a man...just someone else. And, yes, even though I spoke to a few people at the play..and did get a couple comments on the still...felt sorta empty. I had fun, yes...but kept thinking itd be so much more with someone else to share.

I just hate being alone.

I hate eating alone..hate cooking for just me...well, sometimes I enjoy it...because I can fix what I want to..and put all the Herb De Provence on whatever I want to and no one will complain (roomie doesnt care for it much...especially not in and because its fun to create a dish. Guess I just need to do it more often.

Watched Hope Floats last night, or part of it. Ive seen it many times...there's a scene where Harry Connick Jr is telling Sandra Bullocks character how to eat alone in a restaurant. "You have to look like its your idea. And be mysterious" he says.

"And order some dessert, just to spite them" Now, that part I

OK..gotta eat some breakfast and go feed the doggies.

Happy Sunday everyone!

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