Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Old Man and the Hot Chick

No, no..its not an erotic story...sorry to disappoint. LOL

Im speaking of John McCain and Sarah Palin.

I stayed up till 11:30 last night watching the RNC. One lesson nto watch Rudy Guiliani and Mike Huckabee speeches before going to bed. Luckily for the TV I had nothing around me to throw at it while they were on. What a bunch of arrogant assholes...and Im reading this morning...they um..kinda fudged the facts they spoke of a little bit.

Im not sure that the Democrats didnt do the same in their speeches....but the Elephants seemed quite vicious last night.

On to Mrs. Palin.

At first, she sounded like a gushing schoolgirl...speaking of her hero John McCain (kept waiting for her to say "The man I love" after she said his then it seemed she was rehashing her introductory speech from last week when she was picked as McCain's running mate.

Then she got better...sounding like a confident leader.

Then the jabs started.

Do women in positions of power...any power, CEO's, managers, Fem Doms, VP candidates *really* have to be bitches in order to play with the boys? Isnt that what sets us women apart from them? Our nurturing, compassionate warm ways? I personally believe that we can be assertive without being bitches.

And to the media. Please leave her daughter alone. Yes, I did smirk when hearing of her teen daughters "pro-life choice" at age 17. So much for those conservative values. ;) Im curious if she taught her daughter abstinence. Or if she even had "the talk" with her.

But goodness...the girl has enough to worry about being pregnant at age 17...let alone her mom and her whole family, including her (not so) innocent boyfriend who has been thrust into the national spotlight because he didnt use a condom apparently. Do conservatives not believe in condoms? Oh wait, thats right...people are only supposed to have sex if they are married, and ONLY with someone of the opposite sex.

I loved in Mike Huckabees speech where he was saying something to the effect of John McCain doesnt support same sex marriage. And then in his next sentence he said but he believes that every human life deserves a chance from the moment of conception. I yelled at the TV "As long as theyre not homosexual"

I must remember not to watch political programs before trying to go to bed.It raises my BP... and is not very conducive to sleepiness.

I had a weird dream related to Mrs Palin...I sitting in my house on my bed and a plane was flying over (we do live in a flight path for Peachtree- Dekalb Airport so its possible one really was flying over) the house was bed was shaking...then all of a sudden I was *on* the plane...and it was crashing...or going to crash. And, the pilot was none other than Barracuda Palin herself. She was saying something over the loudspeaker...I couldnt understand it clearly over the sound of the engines. Then, as the ground starting coming up faster and faster...the engines cut off...and she said " Well, my husband and I will be ok, I have taken steps to assure his safety and mine. He will be fine, I will be fine. The only thing that is left to to write off all the dead people. "

The plane started crashing and I woke up.

Yeah, no more political speeches before bed.


1 comment:

Uncle said...

Things for the world's Palins to remember, regardless of their sex organs. 1)If your party wins, but the hidden opinion of your party's leaders is that you're a moron, well: it's awful boring up there in that Senate president's seat for four years. Ask Dan Quayle. 2) If your party loses, everybody in the party will blame you, and you'll be nothing but a winning Scrabble combination. 3) I don't give a rat's ass about pregnant daughters. I'm bothered by candidates who can talk for 36 minutes, spend only six of them telling the truth, and spend none of them saying anything of substance. 4) If you like a fight and you like to play "outsider," it ain't good to tell the world. Ask Jimmy Carter.