Thursday, June 12, 2008

The seeds are planted...

Well,some of them anyways.,

I am talking about my very own garden...planted by ME (and roomies sister helped some too)

I finally got to Wal Mart yesterday and bought the potting soil (bought too much of course, but I do have more to plant still-so maybe it isnt that bad lol )and a couple more containers and some plastic things to label what was what.

This morning I went out after doing my morning pet sitting gigs...and put the dirt in the pots...then roomies sister came out and we put the seeds in.

We planted...cucumbers, lettuce- 3 long containers of it! Whoo-hoo- salads and more salads!! sweet basil and peas. I am going to get some tomato plants and bigger pots for them and they will go in next.

In a couple months...we will have our own farmers market!

I cannot wait to start harvesting these veggies!!

I guess I have to

I dreamed something...and made it happen. :)

And yesterday...I realized that I was NO LONGER "the girl who cant save money" I have a few hundred saved toward my my bills are paid...*and* I bought stuff for my garden....I CAN AND HAVE SAVED MONEY. *grins*

The negative faeries fired back with "yes, but you have spent $200 of your money"

*I* fired back with "yes, the gas for the van will get me to my jobs so I can earn more money...the garden stuff was to grow veggies to save money on groceries and also eat healthier...and the groceries I bought were to feed me and others. So, what youre saying is true...but it isnt a bad thing that I have spent money. I have spent it on worthy things."



Uncle said...

You might say you have invested money. Soon you can invest it on nice tight gags for the negative faeries. (See, I *knew* they were good for something!)

Wisshi said...

Grow, Grow, Grow.....

May Lotsa sunshine, rain when needed and some poop (fertilizer) fall upon you!