Friday, June 20, 2008

Ahhhhhh...much better..:)

(Ooops..hit enter instead of need that nap- but gotta blog about this first!)

Last night I got home around 6 pm. I had planned to go to a new Yoga meetup at the Self Discovery Center. I was tired, cranky and frustrated...and also not sure if I could find a way to go, since roomie is now being more assertive about my use of his van. It *is* his van...his right. We had had a little blow out about it earlier in the day...and while cleaning Id wrestled the brat into submission and decided thjat I had been a bit unfair to just assume hed let me use the van...because he really hasnt pushed it much. But now hes starting to.

Anyways...I get home and he has decided to not go to his meetup (he sprung it on me at the last minute, thats why we had the blowup- Id been planning the yoga class for a week) I had decided I prolly wasnt up to going..after getting up at 4:30..doing 2 morning pet visits, cleaning a house and then another one..I was tired.And cranky and just wanted to go to bed.And I was still upset about the blowup.

So, I ate a sandwich and decided to take a bath in Epsom salts and then decide for certain if I was going.

After the bath, I felt about 80% I got my yoga clothes on and my mat rolled up..and off I went.

Traffic was NO problem...rare occurrence..but I wasnt Made it there about 5 minutes before it was to start...they were just finishing up the previous meeting, so that wasnt a problem. :) Met the teacher, Louise, shes just one of those people that lights up whatever room theyre in. Got my mat unrolled and met a plus size woman named Judy, shed taken a place in the back because she had a skirt on (shed been to the previous meetup- a chakra meditation session), I had chosen the spot because it was cooler there. Judy and I connected..we didnt say much other than when we were doing the yoga, to comment about a couple poses, but I felt it. :) Not a sexual thing..but

The class was on Kundalini yoga...a type of yoga that uses chanting, breathwork and poses to help the energy in the body flow freely. I had never done it before....but I will definitely do it again. I was hooked from the lower spine felt so Basically its sitting crosslegged and moving your body around in a circle...loosening up your lower back..and opening up the root chakra at the base of your spine.

The chanting was the hardest part for me...because I cant stand to hear my own voice (hmmm...Im sure thats why I have trouble expressing myself...or its related somehow...;) ) We were given a couple mantras to say, in unison..and with the other voices, I couldnt hear my voice as it was a bit easier.

We did some breathing...Fire Breath...basically loud forceful weird...and its a bit hard to master and not hyperventilate and get dizzy. LOL. I know with practice I will get better at it tho. :)

We did a couple challenging poses...Bow pose- on your stomach hands on youre in a hogtie without the I couldnt reach my feet so used a does feel good...but if you have back problems, its not good..I could only do it for a few seconds. We also did Camel Pose...similar to Bow but youre kneeling. Again, I couldnt get back very far...but it too feels good. favorite pose we did was Archer pose. Those of you who know me...and maybe if you read my blog youve figured out...Im not the most self confident person. LOL. So...doing a pose that speaks to my inner warrior princess, and makes me feel confident, strong and capable...well...thats why its my new fave. Basically youre standing with one leg bent- knee over ankle, the other leg is straight and strong...and youre holding your arms like youre shooting an arrow. I read about this pose this morning..and it said it brings out your confidence and power, helps with self esteem...strengthens your legs and shoulders.

These are all things I body needs. My mind needs. :) Was telling a friend this morning that it seems my mind and body know what they need...and somehow, when I listen to them..I find those things that strengthen and nourish me. :)

I have felt so much better today...only been cranky

So glad I went to that class.

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