Sunday, January 11, 2009

We are amazing creations Im still amazed over what I saw today. I attended "Bodies-the Exhibition" today at Atlantic Station.

Wow..I knew that Anatomy class in nursing school fascinated me...but seeing real bodies up close, dissected, seeing everything that is inside the human body opened up and on display...was just incredible.

If you havent seen this exhibition, I highly recommend it.

My favorite parts were- silly I know...but the bones in the ear that allow us to hear. They are sooo tiny!

And the display showing the entire body in two sections- the skeleton on one side and the muscles and other parts on the other.

Now...when I first read about this, I was kinda squicked and wondered how Id respond seeing and knowing these were real people, and that there was some controversy as to how the bodies were obtained and also whether it was dignified for them to be displayed as such. Well, the exhibition did not squick me at all. I know Im a former nurse, but I havent been around a dead body in, lets see...4 years. And, when I thought of the peoples souls/ spirits whatever...and whether their dignity was intact...I felt that yes, they were being treated and displayed with dignity. And, were helping to educate millions of people about the wonders of their own bodies. I found myself saying to them, mentally, not out loud-lol- "Thank you for teaching me and everyone else about ourselves." Kind of a Namaste, if you will...


Uncle said...

I went with my daughter, who is cut from the clinical detachment bolt, when I was fresh from A&P courses. We loved it. What fascinated and encouraged me was the interest of the lay audience around us, and their seriousness about it. I was also deeply impressed by the individuals who had agreed, in life, to donate their bodies to this project. I wish everyone who has a chance would see this exhibition.

Uncle said...

Ahh, self-education. Actually what we saw was "Body Worlds." Lots of heat generated between the two, evidently.

But how sad that schools and a certain large church headquartered in Italy think such exhibitions are inappropriate. I hope nobody's little darling plans on a career in medicine!