Thursday, September 25, 2008

In spite of myself...

I had a pretty good time with me tonight.

The roomie texted me at 2 or so today that he "may have company tonight". Meaning, hes gonna get laid.

Arrrggg...old jealous green eyed monster popped well as the "I dont have any friggin' money to be going out and entertaining myself while he fucks someone" as well as why cant the bitches host every once in awhile..and the ever popular, if he cooks for her, Im not doing the dishes.(I did them once, never again)

So, after cleaning the house instead of taking a nap (it was my turn to clean and yes, the nap was nothing but procrastination at work)I took a nice hot bath to relax a bit, after crying...realizing much of what I was upset about was jealousy...wondering why the hell I still have feelings for him...realizing that I had an Olive Garden gift card to use for supper...and realizing that no..I didnt *have* to leave the house, he didnt have a problem with me being there...its *me* who has the issues. Yeah, I know..big surprise, *I* have issues. I heard him and one of his girls one time having downstairs. Made me horny..and raised up the old feelings and longings again. So, I decided that maybe itd be best if I left while he was entertaining.

He was gracious enough to lend me his AMC theater gift card so I could see a movie...turns out there arent any very close to least 15 miles I didnt use it.

What I did do was...dress up, in black dress slacks, a long sleeved knit top-purple black and white print, really cute (thank you C) my black dress shoes, makeup and perfume...go to Olive Garden where I enjoyed a glass of Riesling, my new love...but next time I will pick some up at Kroger on the way home...not a good idea (duh- DUI...helllooooo)ah well..I enjoyed sipping it with my meal of Cappellini Pomodoro (cappellini with roma tomatoes, garlic, onions and basil) which was hit me that I make the same thing at home at least once a week..for a lot less..and mine tastes better. LOL Oh well.Had some salad and breadsticks too, of course. My niece called during my meal and we enjoyed a nice long chat.It was very relaxing and with the gift card didnt cost me much.(must get more gift

Then after finding out there were no closeby AMC theaters (I didnt have time to look it up online before leaving)I decided to go to Perimeter Mall to Macy's and look around because I had a $25 gift card I got last Xmas from one of my fave cleaning customers. I pull in and see "Parking $6 and $4" signs...then realize thats for valet and special parking. So, I parked in the free parking, which wasnt too far away. I went to the plus size section first (after asking where it was located *and* riding on an escalator (hate them!!)walked around...nothing grabbed my attention..did go to the clearance rack after wandering thru the bra bigger than 42DDD??? (44C here)Maybe I missed it.

Anyways, found a couple cute shirts, tried them on...but they just didnt do it for me. Then I went up to the home section...looking for some bed linens...finding that I couldnt even afford the on sale pillow shams, and that apparently everyone has a queen size bed because there were hardly any queen sheets. So, I found a body pillow (have been wanting one) which I could afford...couldnt afford the cover too, but I can get one at Wal Mart for not too much, or Goodwill. I stood there holding it for a few minutes, trying to decide if I wanted to spend most of my gift card on it..finally deciding yes, I did, Ive been wanting one as I said..I usually sleep with a pillow between my knees as it helps my lower back and hips not hurt.So,I wandered over to the counter, and grabbed a bar of Godiva chocolate as a treat(which, really isnt that impressive, sorry)and...I had 60 cents left on my card. LOL.

Wandered back to the escalator (deep, its not gonna catch your foot and drag you to your death, I promise- just breeeeaathhheee)and then out to the parking lot...where it only took me a couple minutes to find my Early Alzheimers? Nahh...Ive had that problem for about 20 years now. Always have forgotten where I parked in places like that. I did recall Id parked in a row where I could see the entrance straight ahead and one row that helped. Remembering the Maggianos carryout only signs too helped. Eh, guess I didnt do too bad then. :)

OK..its late...Im to make some phone calls in the morning Ive put off all week. Nothing bad, just me procrastinating.

Ive had that problem for almost 30


Wisshi said...

I'm so glad you had a good time and you will LOVE the body pillow! Worth every gift card cent. I cant sleep without mine!!!

Feels pretty good to priss around the mall all dolled up, Huh???

Uncle said...

I'm supposed to try the body pillow for my shoulder. I wonder if I should try the pillow *and* the shopping.

Sounds like a good night out...hugs and such.