Saturday, August 23, 2008

Last nights pet sitting blog

Dogs. Ya just gotta luv 'em.

And wish that some came without their owners. *sighs*

Tonight has been a heck of a night...started off good...but when I got to a new clients house Id done 2 visits of the dogs was missing. After searching frantically for 30 minutes for a black lab in his backyard and on his street...I called my boss. Got her voicemail. I called her her this time. Told her what had happened...oh yeah, and I had locked myself out of the house Their backdoor locks behind you, and the key I have doesnt go to that lock. And, I had locked the front door when I came in...and left the key on the counter in the kitchen, next to everyones phone numbers. Im batting 1000 I calm down a bit after she tells me she will go get the key at the office and come let me in and help me look for the dog.OK..I calmed down after sobbing for about 10 minutes...not knowing how to tell someone who has trusted you with their babies that you have lost one. I make the call..get hisvoicemail. Leave a message...and then go to a couple neighbors houses and tell them Clifford has escaped. I learn from one that Clifford is an escape artist and that I am not the first who has had to search for him. And hes hard to catch once you do find him. Oh wunnerful.

My boss gets there, lets me in..I get the key and info sheet, and she and I split up and go looking. Theres a golf course across the road from them ,so thats where I head...hmmm..hes a black lab, theres water and ducks to chase..yep good place to start.I drive all around it looking for a way in, and for him...finally get all the way around the opther side and theres an entrance. The secuirty guard wont let me come in and look...hes a foreign man...and assures me that no dogs have come onto the golf course. OK..whatever, heres my number, call me. Thanks buh-bye. I drive around some more and my boss calls. Shes headed towards me, so we stop, she says weve done all we can do, after 2 hours of looking, its time to go. The neighbor across the street had notified everyone he knew that knows Clifford and had looked for him himself, so we had quite a search party going. So, I remember that Id forgotten to feed the I head back to the the back door.

Clifford walks right in like nothing has happened...and starts eating. ROFLMAO!!

I hug his scruffy neck ask him where the hell hes been and and tell him hes not going out in the backyard ever again. He licks my nose. LOL.

I call everyone and let them know the prodigal lab has returned and is now and forevermore shall be inside his house safe and sound.

As Im driving...oh, yeah..I was supposed to be at an overnight with the beagles whose owners drive me crazy, Id called them while waiting for my boss to see if they had someone to come let the girls out till I got there. They said okay and said theyd find someone. (They had told me their in laws would be in and out of the house all weekend so I hoped theyd be able to just come let them out) So..I get a call from their owner, who says that her dogs are freaking out about having been inside for so long and theyve peed all over her house and that she will be compensated for the carpet cleaning and that she doesnt know how to assure this doesnt happen again but we need to do something, and that she *WILL* be compensated for the carpet. I had told her when I called from the dogs house that I was looking for a lost dog...tehy seemed understanding. She however didnt have an ounce of understanding, she was upset and demanded that we would pay for her carpets to be cleaned. I apologized and said she needed to speak with my boss either tomorrow or Monday about that and that I was on my way to their house. She said her in laws were there and they would point out the spots to me.

So. I get there. Her sister in law welcomes me in, asks about the lost dog...tells me yeah, theres some spots in the dining room (not all over the house-hmm) I look at them...they are not fresh, and were there last night when I got to their home, 2 hours after theyd left. (Things that make ya go hmmm) Then they leave.

I look around some other spots, the girls are fine, happy to see me..tails wagging...licks being given.

I will not be sitting anymore for these people. When I came to get the key and see the house...she was telling me stuff, hed interrupt and correct her, or more like say the exact same thing she had just differently...I just do not like them. The dogs are obnoxious...but it isnt their fault, they do respond well to commands and can obey. They told me I had to eat on paper plates and cups because theyre kosher...which is more of an inconveneince to me...because I now have to eat at my house as oppsoed to bringing stuff here to cook..because you cant cook eggs and meat in the same pans..I have no idea what pans are for is just easier in a way to eat at my house.

Im just tired..and frustrated..and wish everyone would just RELAX.

Im off to do that now as its late.


1 comment:

Wisshi said...

Oh Gosh! it's not all Tail Wags, Nose licks and Walks in the Parks is it? I had no idea it could be so challenging!

I hate it when a client/customer/patient get's fired because of unreasonable expectations. We like to spoil clients but some take it and run with it and expect WAY to much in ANY Buh Bye!

Don't worry about the Beagles, Ive heard you complain about them so many time, they won.t be missed in the rotation and that spot will be filled with some pup better!