Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Here's what eating 2 eggs almost every day will get ya...

My results What they recommend

Total cholesterol 195 (below 200 is optimal)

LDL 159 ( Below 129)

HDL 25 (Less than 50 for women)

Triglycerides 52 (Less than 150)

TC/HDL Ratio 7.7 (Less than 5)

So...ok..I need to cut back on the eggs....and increase my exercise.

I eat the eggs because they stick with me and I dont get hungry after 2 hours like I do with cereal or even yogurt. Maybe I need to eat every 2 hours, small things.

Is there a healthy type of butter?? I hate to use margarine (its artifical and most are loaded with saturated fats)to cook things...and love the taste that butter gives foods. I dont use as much as I use to..but I do use it to cook many things, including those eggs.

All in all...maybe Im in denial...but I dont see these numbers as being all that horrible.

I have lost over 50 pounds since moving here in 2006. I eat veggies every day, fruit every day, I get some exercise every day (walking dogs and just got a twice a week dog walk with 2 dogs that walk fast and hard - so theres that!)

I just need to up the ante, I a little more than what Im doing.

If I can lose that weight by doing just a little...making a few changes...imagine what I could do if I **really** worked at it.

I am at 216 right now. I have weighed over 200 since 1988. 20 years. I would love to get below 200.


Wisshi said...

Your talking about my world now...
If I say a word I feel like I'd be preaching to the choir...

I'm having those OMG "ONE"derland is getting close fantasies. You know what your doing and a half to a pound a week is great progress. The kind of progress that sticks around. 17 more pounds should take about another 4 to 6 months. It's gonna be cooler soon so the exercise will be easier when it's not so freaking hot and it will be closer to 4 months that means by THE END OF THE YEAR!!!! Don't deprive your self. Do one whole egg and an egg white and a load of veggies. chop up enough veggies today for tomorrow too, so ya don't gotta do the choppy thing daily. Save the yolks for sweet pea or one of the critters you hang with it will make their coat like silk!

Check out this recipe and blog. I haven't tried it yet, i'm waiting for it to cool off a bit...we need to go in on the get some and i'll get some and we can share and not have to get so much...

I love her recipes!!!

malevolent andrea said...

Those numbers really aren't bad. You just really need to raise your HDL (it should be *over* 50 in women) so your ratio will be better. Do you take omega 3s? I had my whole family taking them for awhile and everyone's HDL was kicking ass :-) As a side benefit, they're also great for depression and neurological function too.

Just take them on a full stomach, 'cause if you don't, the fish oil burps are really gross.

crispix67 said... oil burps...LOL. Thanks guys!!

I started to get a little miffed at the NP who told me about all these diets to try "Weight Watchers, South Beach, etc...) I was like, um..Im doing pretty good not "dieting", thank you. I tried telling her all the changes Ive done but she couldnt get past my weight and the eggs. LOL Oh well.

I having one of those "getting close" fantasies too. OMG..Ive weighed over 200 for 20 freakin' years! Im under 20 pounds away from getting below it! How freakin' awesome is that???

Sweetpea loves when I cook eggs..she always stands close by in case I drop them again like I did a couple weeks ago. She was in doggie heaven...eggs all over the floor...LOL.

Uncle said...

Trader Joes (god damn them for leaving my area!) used to have the only reduced fat butter that was fit to cook with. All of them reduce fat by whipping air in, but somehow theirs wasn't as foofy as most.

I eat real eggs only a few times a year, and by sheer grit have got round to where I'm OK with scrambled eggbeaters. They're just egg whites and corn meal, after all...not so bad. Thinks good thoughts!!