Friday, February 6, 2009

Trying reallly hard to not...

feel like a victim nor be a victim.

OK, so you all remember the dogbite incident that was my fault basically, supposed to keep dogs seperate, didnt, let my guard down so got bit when they tried to kill each other.

Well, once again taht has come back to bite my ass. Got my paychecks in the mail today. One was attached to an invoice with a few words about how the client wasnt paying her bill due to us not following directions and she having a $1100 vet bill because of it. The paycheck was docked the amount of the invoice. $350.

My paycheck was already not gonna cover rent, but I still had some money in the bank so I was just gonna be able to make it.

Now, I cant pay rent. I can pay the other bills and maybe 200 of it.

I really dont have a problem with them docking my pay, though I do thinks he should have to pay for the appointments that were completed before the dogfight.

I just really would have wished for some warning that this was going to happen...ya know? So I could have planned better and maybe not decided to go ahead and get my eyes checked (no, it needed to be done, I couldnt read street signs, not safe, and I know that!) and maybe not bought so many groceries, and maybe not all that food on Super Bowl Sunday, granted it wasnt alot that I bought but I could ahve used that money for more every day groceries rather than chips dip and guacamole and wings.

I know that somehow this will get taken care of and I will get back on my feet.

Im just really tired of working my ass off, and being willing to work my ass off, only to have the rug pulled out from under me, or not to get paid for that work.

Off to take a bath after I get some more Tension Tamer Tea.


Uncle said...

He needs to find a cheaper vet, especially in these times.



Uncle said...

She...whatever. What's gender anyway?