Sunday, July 27, 2008

But...I *like* long screws...

(subtitle- "Why a Pervert With Raging Hormones Should Not Go to Home Depot" ) sexy happened at Home Depot..sorry to disappoint. *sighs* I wasnt dressed for it anyways...shorts, no bra, dirty tshirt...hey, its Sunday

I went there seeking some screws or nails or something with which to hang the cool window treatment I got at Goodwill a couple weeks ago. I had tried a couple nails, but they werent big enough to hold the scarf holders. So..after getting a tip from a pet sitting customer this I went.

I found some drywall anchors that seemed to be the correct size...then remembered that roomie didnt have a Phillips head screwdriver in his tool kit (hmm -theres a metaphor there, I think) so I went over to find a screwdriver (had thought the other day why do I need to borrow *his* tools- I can buy my own tools- dont need no schtinkin' man's Found a set of 8 Stanley screwdrivers for 6 bucks..schweet!

My requisite trip to the rope/ chain aisle was completed..and was disappointing (very boring rope selection- makes a mental note about *this* Home Depot) I didnt even salivate, let alone drool. *sighs*

Then I decided to wander over to the garden center just to see what was on sale and to see how much the pots cost cause my cukes needed to be seperated as theyre turning yellow at the base and I can see roots everywhere. to the garden area I went...oh much I could much I wanted. After drooling a bit...I walked away with a sprayer for the hose, 2 plastic pots one for the cukes, another for the tomato plant that demanded to be taken home by me (it did, I swear!)and some plant stakes for the peas and the new tomato plant.$35 dollars later (thank goodness for tips!) I walked out.

Went home..changed into my swimsuit and bandana and got to work. Planted the new tomato plant he seems happy to be near the cukes and the basil :) Transplanted half the cukes into the new pot...gently...and telling the bees who reallly like my cukes that if theyd just stay away for a few more minutes, Id be out of their way and they could buzz my cukes all they wanted. They listened - all except this one pesky Got new soil put in the old cuke the stakes put by the pea plants, they're next to be seperated. Added some soil to them too... watered everything with my new sprayer (its VERY strong think I shoulda got a watering can instead)

Roomie came out and we sat in the sun for awhile...met the new Westie puppy next door (omg-hes adorable!!)

Then I came inside and set about to hang the window treatments. Got the plastic anchors screwed into the problem.Put the hanger on and added the screw...and realized...the screws were too long.

Hence the title...and what my first thought So...I guess its back to Home Depot for some other screws...same size just shorter.

Happy Sunday!


malevolent andrea said...

Sigh. Does no one learn *anything* from reading my blog?

When going to Home Depot, even on Sunday morning, you always put on a little makeup and the *good* hoodie. It makes the dudes in the orange aprons fall all over themselves in order to help you, and (if you're me) increases the chances that the grandfather of your future stepgrandchildren will be a contractor with a big truck who will solve all your home remodeling problems for you. ;-)Hahaha. Just kidding!

Though, I dunno... My honest opinion is that a woman possibly interested in having a date (or, uh, screw) or two shouldn't ignore the high concentration of mens at Home Depot :-) You never know...

Wisshi said...


Ya gotta put the good stuff out into the universe, girl

I agree with M.A.

and best wishes to the cukes and peas!!!

crispix67 said... time I will put on some lipstick at least and wear my tight jeans and a nice t-shirt. Happy now?? LOL

Perhaps Id have gotten the right size screw if Id gone home and changed first. ;)

Lesson learned..and yes, even on Sunday morning there were a few good prospects...;)

Uncle said...

Why do I feel like I shouldn't be reading this?