Friday, January 31, 2014

I never want to do this again...

For anyone..anyone who is still mocking our reaction to "2 inches of snow" (even you, Jon Stewart, though the part about what our governor and Atlanta Mayor were doing during this crisis was priceless) I'd like to say a big F YOU.

Tuesday morning I awoke to a cloudy day and much anxiety. I knew there was snow in the forecast, but it was maybe possibly going to stay south of I-20 so wouldnt hit where I live (how they can cut off the snow/ice line so sharply, I have no idea) I looked at 11 Alive's post on Facebook, and their forecast had changed from when I went to bed. It had now moved the snow line north, and all of Atlanta was in white. 1-2 inches was expected. Which..usually means we get flurries. Its happened twice in the past month. So, perhaps there was a bit of apathy and "cry wolf" syndrome. Schools were open, except for Cherokee County which is northwest of us. The forecast had been changed around 3:45 am. Plenty of time for schools to decide to close and for GDOT to move what snow equipment we have more towards the city from where it had been sent further south (due to the forecast the day before calling for conditions to be worse in South Georgia). I proceeded with my day, going to my pet appointments, talking with one owner to make arrrangements for his neighbor to come check on the kitties in the little house with the space heater on low- at this point we were more concerned with the cold temps than the snow. And, it was just snow on our minds- which can be driven in without problems..roads can be sanded and salted and problem. I drove back home around 11:30 am. Teeny tiny snowflakes had started falling around 11, and by 11:45 they were big fluffy flakes falling fast. It was starting to stick on the grass and the streets were wet in some areas. 

I watched the noon news to see what they were forecasting now. I was watching 11 Alive because Chris Holcomb has a soothing voice and tends to be more matter of fact than sensationalized, especially during bad weather. He was saying it was going to be 1-2 inches (at this time- 12:15 or so- some schools were closing early-at 1pm) and was concerned about the temps falling. They had reports from GDOT- we are ready- our trucks can easily be moved closer...we're going to wait and see. (I dont recall hearing anything from Dekalb County or Fulton County as for their plans...just GDOT) 

Wait and see...

Wait and see resulted in the mess you see in the photo above. 

Around 12pm or so people started leaving their offices and schools and such- parents to go pick up kids at school or get home to meet them. Hundreds of thousands of cars on the roads- interstates and local roads soon became congested. Within 90 minutes...THIS is what it looks like.

90 minutes for a city to become completely incapacitated.

Unfortunately...I had to get to a couple pet appointments. Fortunately, my routes did not involve any interstates. Unfortunately, there were other drivers on the roads I did take. Either we were moving about an inch every few minutes, or once I got to the open roads- driving as if nothing was happening (meaning driving their usual bat out of hell ways on slick snowy roads) A friend of mine from Missouri who now lives in Birmingham (which had their own version of a shutdown- only they have much less snow equipment and less people) had posted some tips for driving in snow earlier (their snow started around 8 or 9 am) and I had called up all my Missouri winter driving skills in my brain, so I felt prepared. (sort of)I had added gas to my car earlier that day. One thing I hadnt done was make sure my cell phone was fully charged. I had meant to plug it in when I came home for lunch but got caught up in the news. I figured I would just charge it when I got my pet sitting clients home. First mistake.

I left home a little before 1pm, heading to East Atlanta/ Kirkwood area- usually a 20 minute drive. It took me 2 hours to get there. When I got there, my client was home- her work had closed down. She sent me texts but my phone had died an hour ago so I didnt get them. I spent some time with her and her dogs and charged my phone. I had stopped to grab some yogurt and other snacks at a little market on my way- because I also didnt eat-other than a pear when I got home at 11:30. 2nd mistake.

My phone charged, I petted the dogs and watched 11Alive. Things- the streets, the temps, everything...was going downhill fast. I decided to go see my last client (the kitties in the little house) which was just a couple miles from her in Avondale Estates then head home. It was around 3:45 now. I drove to my other clients home without incident. I got disoriented at one point as to where his street was (snow, panic, possibly low blood sugar) so I pulled into a QuikTrip to get recentered and reoriented. I looked at my gas gauge- it said 3/4 of a tank. I decided to add another $10 to the tank- just shy of full now. I headed to the kitties.

I turned on the space heater, fed them, plugged my phone in to charge it more. Gave the birds some more birdseed (they knew s*it was getting real and were stocking up- had emptied the small feeder that had been full that morning on my first visit) I called the cats owner- telling him what was going on. I said I would give them extra food because it probably would be the afternoon before I could get back. He had me bring a key to the neighbor so he could come in and turn on the heater for the cats. At that point we were both thinking of just snow..roads would be cleared better by afternoon, no problems.I ate some yogurt and headed back home.

My first trip resulted in me just getting a few miles down Memorial and having to turn around because it was blocked by cars unable to get up the hill. I headed to Candler Rd to College to Dekalb to Moreland. I got to about 2 miles from home before once again, cars blocked the road and there was an accident farther ahead. I wound my way back over to Clifton Rd- a street I thought would be fine because Emory Hospital was on it, so it must be a priority right? Nope. Same thing, cars blocking it and by now the snowy slush was freezing so roads were getting slicker- a couple miles from my home. Turned around again, last route I could think of, Clairmont to N. Druid Hills to Lavista to home.I had to pee. Passed a gas station but did not stop. 3rd mistake. I ate the rest of a pear I had begun eating. All I had left was goat cheese- planned to fix something with it for supper.

In hindsight- I could have walked home from both these spots. But I was so focused on DRIVING home that didnt enter my mind. I should also add, I had seen only 1 salt truck of any kind- and it was a pickup- private contractor probably- with a spreader attached to his tailgate. I had only seen evidence of any pre-treatment on Memorial Dr where there was some sand.

I got to the dip on Clairmont between N. Decatur Rd and N. Druid Hills by the VA Hospital. (again shouldnt hospital streets be more of a priority? It was in Jeff City and St Louis! But, perhaps since the VA doesnt have an Emergency Room, they dont think so)Cars lined both directions. Cars stalled everywhere in my direction and an accident in the other. People were starting to get out and walk. Leaving their cars as close to the side as they could. This was after 7 pm. I'd left the kitties around 5:45pm. My phone was again almost out of juice. A car charger does not work in my car for some reason so I dont have one (need to get this looked at) I had to pee much worse. I thought about getting out and going to the die, but there were tons of people around and no place to hide. desperation I grabbed the pile of rags behind my seat, put them under me, pulled down my jeans and went. I had been holding it so long I couldnt go at first. Finally-relief, which eased my panic a bit.

  A guy in a Jeep pulled up ahead. He got out and walked ahead out of my sight. Another guy in a 4WD stopped and got out. I thought- YES- rednecks- thats what we need! I was missing my Missouri guys with their pickups and plows and chains. Soon..slowly we started moving. I spun a bit... hot tires melting snow+ below freezing temps =ice...I had been inching a bit forward, keeping moving every few minutes just the slightest bit because I remembered this might happen. A Marta bus was stuck up ahead (it was not the cause of the problem- it was the cars farther up the hill that had spun out and crashed that was) the redneck guys were putting salt and sand and trying to free it. They helped the cars ahead of me that were spinning to get up the hill. I shifted into L and gunned it. I stopped halfway up and a lady was yelling at people to GO!GO!GO! Dont stop!! I worked my way around a car ahead taht was spinning and soon was clear. Big breath! Got to N. Druid Hills and cried at the stoplight. Here the road was just snowy. I shifted to 2 and slowly pressed the gas and turned. Phew, ok, Lavista...the HOME stretch! I AM GOING TO MAKE IT! slow going but just snow on this road. Turned slowly onto Briarcliff. ALMOST THERE!! Got going a bit too fast and slid past the street I wanted to turn on. Hit my brakes...ABS kicked in..I was sliding ! FUCK! Cant wreck Now. TAKE YOUR FOOT OFF THE BRAKES! a voice inside screamed. I did. Car stopped. I started shaking and crying. Oh my that was scary as hell. I slowly backed up and truned onto BriarVista Terrace- the next street over from my house.I parked in front of a friend of my landlady's house. I was shaking and crying. I paused and thanked and even kissed my little car for getting me home safely. I walked home.

Safe and sound...I made it up that driveway to my warm cozy home.